Hydrotechnical Construction, Water Engineeringand Water Technologies
Water Supply and Sewerage
Industrial and Civil Engineering
Environmental Protection Technology
Urban Ecology
Chemical Technology and Engineering
Occupational Safety
Town planning
Urbanen gineering and services
Geodesy and land management
Architecture of buildings and Constructions
Architecture, Design and Fine Arts
Architectural environment design
Energy, Information and Transportation Infrastructure
Lighting engineering and sources of light
Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Systems engineering
Electrotechnical systems of electricity consumption
Computer Science
Computer Science. Project management
Oil and gas engineering and technology
Heat and gas supply and ventilation
Electrical Systems and Complexes of Vehicles
Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities
Transport systems
Economics and Management
Hotel and catering business
Administrative management
Tourism studies
Administrative management of the unitedterritorial communities
Management of hotel, resort and tourist service
Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities
Business Administration
Business, Trade and Exchange Activities
Management. Project Management
Management of Organization and Administration
Financial and Economic Security management
Mainline Power Networks: Management, Maintenance and Development
Economic Analytics
International Economics
Accounting and Audit