Educational institution and its division what we have signed a cooperation agreement with
Main areas of cooperation
Innovative University of Eurasia
Joint scientific and technical collaboration on the basis of cooperation and direct contacts, including the coordination of fundamental and exploratory research, including other countries' orders. Teachers' and scholars' exchange for giving lectures, consultations.
Baranovichi State University
Joint scientific research, scientific conferences, exchange of scientific information, training programs.
Belarusian State University of Transport
Scientific cooperation in areas of mutual interest; joint research projects and programs.
Technical University of Gabrovo
Development of exchange programs and cooperation in the sectors that are interested for both organizations.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Tuzla
Educational, scientific and technological cooperation.
Cambridge independent examination center of educational complex «Authorized school Boyko»
Preparation of students of foreign languages course, opened in KNUME, for University of Cambridge ESOLExaminations exam to get FCE, CAE, BEC certificates.
University of Cambridge
Raising English language quality standards of education according to the international standards; preparation of students for Cambridge ESOL exams.
European Institute of Education
Research, academic, methodic and cultural cooperation.
Organization of educational programs accreditation in engineering sciences, computer science, natural sciences and mathematics
Accreditation of bachelors' training programs «BaLogistitics» (logistics) and «BaTransportTechnologies» (transport technologies) in the Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy.
Canadian College of English Language (Vancouver, Canada)
The joint pilot project with the introduction of SMRT-online curriculum of the Canadian College of English Language in KNUME.
Kazakh Humanities and Law University
Development and implementation of methodological foundations and projects of scientific, educational, pedagogical activity; academic exchange of students, teachers and audience; strengthening of cultural relations
Korea Photovoltaic Industry Association (KOPIA)
Cooperation includes programs designed to strengthen relations between the parties, for example:
1) joint research projects;
2) involvement of other research laboratories;
3) technology licensing;
4) joint laboratories.
University for Foreigners "Dante Alighieri" of Reggio Calabria
Cooperation in the field of teaching and dissemination of Italian language and culture, as well as scientific research organization in the field of language knowledge, literature, art and culture.
Exchange of teachers and scientists for lectures, tutorials and seminars.
Department of Economics - The University of Insubria
Joint research, scientific conferences, exchange of scientific information and training programs.
Baltic International Academy
Teachers' and staff’ exchange in order to improve their skills, exchange of students, joint research, teaching and consultancy work, joint conferences and seminars.
Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University
Cooperation in the field of teaching and research, cooperation between the libraries collections.
European Association for Security
Cooperation in the field of methodological support of the students' educational process and research.
Cooperation Foundation
Scientific-technical, educational, methodological and cultural cooperation.
AGH University of Science and Technology
Exchange of experience in the field of research and specialists training; joint participation at the research programs to ensure the protection of intellectual property rights, exchange of training programs.
Humanitas University in Sosnowiec
Research, training and educational, social and cultural cooperation, exchange of students, researchers and administrative staff.
University of Nis
Educational and research cooperation.
Comenius University in Bratislava
№ 511390- TEMPUS-2010-SК-1-JPSR
Sudan University of Science and Technology. Technical college, Department of Town Planning
Information exchange on new methods in education: soil mechanics, foundation engineering and other subjects associated with urban development. Postgraduate study (Master course).
Fermata Arts Foundation
Development of international relations in the field of education, science and culture.
University of Bordeaux 1
Exchange of students.
University of Bordeaux 1
Academic teaching staff exchange.
University of Bordeaux 1
Joint research activities.
Montpellier 2 University
530349-TEMPUS-1-FR- TEMPUS –JPHES «Inter-university Start-up centers for students’ innovations development & promotion».
Technical University of Ostrava, department of economics
Joint development and application to the educational process, scientific-technical development of modern methods of teaching and research.
Staff exchange in order to improve their skills, use of the parties scientific potential for solving topical issues and technical problems, exchange of scientific information.
Luleå University of Technology
Research project № ОЕ001-3014
Tallinn Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities
Teachers' exchange in order to give lectures and conduct educational work, exchange of instructional academic books, scientific research corporation, joint research studies.