To enter the Preparatory Department, foreigners or stateless persons have to have an invitation to study from the University. The invitation to study is an official document approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Persons who have received the official invitation from the University have to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate of Ukraine to obtain a study visa for entry. After the visa processing procedure and having received tickets, foreigners or stateless persons have to send information to the University about the time and place of their arrival necessary for the further organization of their meeting in Ukraine.

The documents required for admission to the Preparatory Department of O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv:

  1. The original and notarized copy of the document and its translation into Ukrainian on the previous education legalized by the Embassy of Ukraine.
  2. The original and notarized copy of the document and its translation into Ukrainian on the academic grades legalized by the Embassy of Ukraine.
  3. A notarized copy and translation into Ukrainian of a birth certificate legalized by the Embassy of Ukraine.
  4. A copy of the passport and its notarized translation into the Ukrainian language.
  5. Medical certificate legalized by the Embassy of Ukraine and translated into Ukrainian.
  6. Certificate of medical examination for HIV / AIDS translated into Ukrainian.
  7. 6 photos 3ˣ4.

Application for entry, a foreign citizen's questionnaire, consent to the processing of personal data, a contract, etc. is personally filled in by a foreigner or stateless person in the relevant structural units of the University.

For more information please visit web-site of the Faculty For Foreign Students





O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,
17, Chornoglazivska Street,
Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Tel+38 057 706 15 37,
+38 057 707 33 55

Fax: +38 057 706 15 54






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