Academic and Research Institute of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts (ННІАДОМ)

42. Fine Arts and Design 023

43. Architecture of Buildings and Constructions 191

44. Architecture and Urban Planning 191

45. Architecture of Buildings and structures 191

46. Landscaping 206

Academic and Research Institute of Economics and Management (ННІЕІМ)

47. Germanic Languages and Literatures (including translation), Primary – English 035

48. Economical Analytics 051

49. International Economics 051

50. Accounting and Audit 071

51. Financial monitoring and security management strategies in specialty 072

52. Business Administration 073

53. Management of Organizations and Administration 073

54. Logistics 073

55. Management of Hotel, Resort and Tourist Service 073

56. Management. Project Management 073

57. Business, Trade and Exchange Activities 076

58. Hotel and Catering Business 241

59. Tourism Studies 242

60. Public management of the communities and Territories development 281

Academic and Research Institute of Energy, Information and Transport Infrastructure (ННІЕІТІ)

61. Computer Sciences 122

62. Computer Sciences. Project Management 122

63. Industrial Machanical Engineering 133

64. Lighting Engineering and Sources of Light 141

65. Electrotechnical Systems of Electricity Consumption 141

66. Electrical Systems and Complexes of Vehicles 141

67. Electric-povered Transport 141

68. Mainline Power Networks: Management, Maintenance and Development  141

69. Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics 141

70. Chemical Technology and Engineering 161

71. Systems Engineering 174

72. Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology 185

73. Transport Systems 275

74. Smart Transport and Logistics for Cities 275

Academic and Research Institute of Civil Engineering and Utility Systems (ННІБЦІ)

75. Urban Ecology 101

76. Environmental Protection Technology 183

77. Industrial and Civil Engineering 192  

78. Civil Engineering 192

79. Urban Engineering and Services 192

80. Land Management and cadaster 193    

81. Hydrotechnical Construction, Water Engineering and Water Technologies 194

82. Occupational Safety 263




O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,
17, Chornoglazivska Street,
Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Tel+38 057 706 15 37,
+38 057 707 33 55

Fax: +38 057 706 15 54






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