In the current conditions of climate change and the growth of urbanization, O.M. Beketov NUUEKh, training highly qualified specialists for the urban economy, is aware of his role in promoting the implementation of the concepts of sustainable development, environmental and climatic stability of territories.

To increase the effectiveness of educational and administrative and economic activities of the University in the field of climate and environmental sustainability, the Strategy provides for the implementation of the following measures.

In educational activities:

  • ensure the application of the principles of sustainable development, climatic and environmental sustainability in all educational programs of the University
  • actively conduct educational activities to promote the principles of sustainable and climate-oriented development not only for a contingent of students and teachers, but also for society - representatives of government and business structures, residents of the city and territorial communities

In administrative and economic activities:

  • increase energy efficiency and energy saving, in particular:
    • to reduce energy consumption (heat supply and electricity supply) due to energy-saving innovations – thermomodernization of all educational and administrative buildings of the University, the use of highly effective thermal insulation finishing materials in designs
    • increase the amount of energy produced from renewable sources through the use of heat pumps and solar energy
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, in particular:
    • to assess and introduce monitoring of the carbon footprint of the University, to introduce measures to reduce it
    • reduce emissions from the mobile fleet by increasing the share of cars with electric drive
    • encourage the use of bicycle and electric transport by university staff and students
  • increase the efficiency of water resources, in particular:
    • introduce water-restication technologies in the water supply and sanitation system of the University
    • to introduce a rainwater collection system with their further use for irrigation of plantations located on the territory of the University
  • develop green infrastructure, in particular:
    • apply the technology of "passive lawn" with minimal water consumption to obtain a stable for trampling grass cover and reduce the proportion of artificial waterproof coatings in the areas adjacent to the university dormitories in order to reduce surface run-off and improve plantations
    • replace artificial plantations on the territory of the university and campus with such, which will include species and varieties of woody and shrub plants with increased resistance to changed climatic conditions
    • to introduce technologies of "green parking", as well as "green roofs" and "green walls" on university buildings to reduce heat stress, surface run-off and air purification
  • improve waste management efficiency, in particular:
    • reduce waste generation by reducing the use of disposable items, require suppliers of goods during procurement to reduce packaging
    • to continue the introduction of a separate waste collection system in the structural units of the university, to encourage the sorting of waste of tenants operating on the territory of the University
    • ensure further transfer of sorted materials for recycling and disposal
  • to introduce the technology of "passive house" at the university "Archhouse" in the forested area of Kharkiv



O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,
17, Chornoglazivska Street,
Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Tel+38 057 706 15 37,
+38 057 707 33 55

Fax: +38 057 706 15 54






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