Dear Applicant,
The Department of Design and Fine Arts welcomes you!

Are you looking for the best place to study? Do you have any questions?
We have answers to these five questions:


Cities of the future are creative cities, where the main actors will be the artists (designers, architects) who will form new faces of megalopolises.
The purpose of the department is to introduce innovative technologies into the artistic practice of solving creative, theoretical and practical problems.
We form the generation of individuals who will create modern artistic environment of the future cities.


DESIGNERS on educational qualifications:

  • design of industrial facilities (small architectural forms, interior and exterior objects, industrial sculpture, visualization and photorealistics of urban environment objects)
  • visual communication design (graphic design, external and internal advertising, game advertising, exhibition design)
  • multimedia design (analog and digital media, WEB-design, multimedia in urban infrastructure)

ARTISTS on educational qualifications:

  • free graphic arts (graphics and artistic animation, book graphics, advertising graphics)
  • sacred art (iconography, monumental art, church textiles and clothes, temple architecture and interior)
  • scenography (scenery of sights and events in the city space, multimedia scenography, decorating art)

Within the framework of general training, students have the opportunity to choose individual certificate programs for in-depth study:

  • Media art
  • Photo art
  • Branding
  • 3D modeling of interior objects
  • Animation design


The basis of the training concept is a complex interdisciplinary approach that allows the formation of a professional who works at the level of production and embodiment of artistic ideas through the synthesis of means of expressiveness of various types of arts (plastic, dynamic, spectacular) that meets modern requirements. In fact, this is not a narrow-profile specialist, but a self-sufficient specialist-designer of the modern visual environment.
The training course combines basic training of classical art education with modern teaching methods, mastering of digital technologies, modern views on art, practical training and technical literacy.
Synergy in knowledge and an integrated approach in the implementation of practical design and visual activity allows the training of specialists of a new formation capable of:

  • expressing reality and embodying ideas as artists
  • thinking critically and managing the creative process as designers
  • possessing modern digital tools and traditional techniques of art products creation
  • presenting themselves in the modern professional market
  • focusing on human needs

The department has a powerful laboratory base: laboratories of 3D modeling, information modeling (BIM), computer science and computer technology, light design, TV-video communications, multimedia design and animation, the complex of architectural and artistic workshops ARHOUSE.


Your mentors for 4 years will be professionals who combine scientific, pedagogical and practical creative and professional experience, as well as invited internationally recognized leading specialists in various fields of contemporary art and design.
The department is headed by Olena Yuriivna Olenina, Professor, Doctor of Art Studies.
Among the teachers of the department are 6 candidates of sciences, 4 professors, 6 associate professors, Honored Art Workers and People's Artists of Ukraine.


Pass the External Independent Testing (the Ukrainian language and literature, history of Ukraine) and creative competition.
If necessary, take the preparatory course: 707-33-20.
Come with the documents at the address: Kharkiv, Marshala Bazhanova, 17, to the Admission Committee: 707-33-26,
If you have any questions, write to us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our department is waiting you – the department where
modern design and art of the future are born!



O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,
17, Chornoglazivska Street,
Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Tel+38 057 706 15 37,
+38 057 707 33 55

Fax: +38 057 706 15 54






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