Faculty's homepage: http://ieg.kname.edu.ua
Dean of the Faculty: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tkachov Vyacheslav Oleksandrovich
Currently on the faculty provides training in the following directions and specialties:
- Ecology and Environmental Protection (Bachelor, Specialist, Master);
- Forestry and Horticulture (Bachelor,);
- Environmental Safety (Master);
- Water Supply and Sewerage (Bachelor, Specialist, Master);
- Water Resources Conservation and Protection (Bachelor, Specialist, Master);
- Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (Bachelor, Specialist, Master)
61002, Harkіv, Revolyucії str., 12 (Bazhanova str., 17)
The Faculty of Urban Environmental Engineering and Management Deanery is located in the administrative building (auditorium 223)
Hours of 8.15 to 17.00. Break 13.00 to 13.45
Phone: (057) 707-33-39, 707-31-35