Dean of management faculty: Pisarevskii Ilya Matveevich, professor, doctor of economic sciences, head of the department Tourism and Hospitality.

Directions and specialties


Speciality/ specialists; masters



Management of organizations and administration (according to the economic activity)/ 7.03060101; 8.03060101

Information systems in management

Management of construction organizations

Management of urban organization

Management of organizations of local self-government

Project management

Management of hotel, resort and tourist service

Management of international tourism

Management of Organizations of the fuel and energy complex

Logistics / 7.03060107; 8.03060107


Specific categories

Project management 7.18010004; 8.18010013


6.070101/ Transportation technology (according to the means of transport)

Transportation systems / 7.07010101; 8.07010101


Organization and regulation of traffic / 7.07010104; 8.07010104


Organization of transport and transport management / 7.07010102; 8.07010102


6.140101/ Hotel and catering business

Hotel and catering business / 7.14010101; 8.14010101

Animation and organization of animation work in business units of hospitality industry

6.140103/ Tourism

Management of tourism (according to its types)/ 7.14010301; 8.14010301

Management of excursion services and organization of excursion work in business units of tourism


Marshall Bazhanov str. 17, Kharkiv, (metro station "Architect Beketova").
The faculty is located in rooms 701, 703, 704 of the new building.

Opening hours
8.15 a.m. -1.00 p.m.
1.45 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Consultation hours
2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m

0038-(057) 707-33-68
0038-(057) 707-33-76



O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,
17, Chornoglazivska Street,
Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Tel+38 057 706 15 37,
+38 057 707 33 55

Fax: +38 057 706 15 54






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