Ukraine is the sovereign European state, member state of the Council of Europe. It has an ancient history and culture, developed industry and agriculture. Its territory is 603,7 thousand sq. km. The climate is moderate (the average temperature in January is -7 °С, in June - +23 °С). The population is more than 45 million people. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. Kharkiv is the second largest city of Ukraine, the largest industrial, scientific, cultural and commercial centre. It is located in the north-eastern part of the country. It was founded in 1654. The territory is about 306 sq. km, the population is 1,44 million people.

O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv is a modern higher education establishment with the highest accreditation level available in Ukraine, where nearly 16000 students are being trained and more than 500 among them are foreign citizens, having  arrived from over than 42 countries of the world. Our University is a large scientific centre in the field of municipal economy. The creative activities of our scientific team is aimed at the search of modern techniques of design, construction and renovation, efficient structures and materials, optimization of municipal enterprises functioning, environmental protection, water purification and sewage disposal, resolving issues of city transport development.

The University trains specialists for Bachelor and Master’s degrees. The training is held in 24 specialties and 30 specializations. A scientific and educational personnel is being trained at the Postgraduate Department.

Bachelor’s degree training takes from 4 to 4,5 years and Master’s degree takes from 1-1,5 years (depends on the specialty selected). On achieving the Master’s degree you may continue education at the Postgraduate Department (training takes three years). The training of scientific and academic personnel is carried out in 27 specialties.

The total area of all University buildings exceeds 160 thousand sq.m: seven academic buildings, two colleges (Communal and Electromechanical), eight students’ comfortable hostels. We have a library (about one million  volumes available for the students in reading-halls), modern computerized rooms, an Internet-centre, a canteen and a café.

The recreational facilities of the University include students’ boarding-house and a large sports complex with spacious sports and training halls. In the students’ hospital everyone may always receive a professional medical aid. There is the Preparatory Department in our University where foreign citizens are studying Ukrainian (or Russian) and receiving an initial training in future specialties during a year.

The standard of training at O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv is highly estimated in the world and its diploma is a great contribution to your future career. The best confirmation is our graduates who work successfully holding the most prominent positions in different countries of the world. All of them present their Alma-Mater with dignity at the world’s labour market.



O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,
17, Chornoglazivska Street,
Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Tel+38 057 706 15 37,
+38 057 707 33 55

Fax: +38 057 706 15 54






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