Students of foreign faculty are placed in dormitories of the university:
№ 6 - 200 people
№ 3 - 200 people
№ 4 - 200 people
№ 2 (for family) - up to 10 people.
Hostels provide the necessary conditions for living, employment, recreation, room attendants and other sanitary and domestic. The whole system of educational work aimed at building campus of national intelligence, creating conditions for the development of the student's personality, consciousness and the general culture by engaging in creative activities in various fields, the formation of personality and self-building skills as a school of the future organizer and leader of the youth. Student Councils hostels organize cultural, educational and sports activities in the university dormitories. They care about the settlement in a dormitory, student life, spend evenings, competitions, examinations rooms, floors, dormitories. Student Accommodation in hostels is carried out according to the "Regulations on the hostel."
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