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At the beginning of olympic cycle and «Euro-2012» rektorat and department of physical education and sport of KNUUE congratulates all sportsmen, sporting volunteers, athletes and their tutors, wishes all the best, health, human happiness, welfare, success, faith, hope, love, realization of all cherished desires, strong will and boldness!

KFViS and sportkluby of KNUUE work out the totals of beginning of the third millennium - cycle 2000-2011 By sport - health-improvement, mass in the sporting clubs of KNUUE annually more than 1000 students and NPR get busy. For this period it was succeeded to promote efficiency of uchebno-vospitatel'nogo and training processes, displace an accent from a management students by methods and forms of physical education on the increase of forms of elektivnogo of sporting-athletic self-government of student.
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As main incentive motivation of students to employments does a department and sportkluby of O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv use triune strategy physical exercises improvement of the personal health, improvements of psikhofiziologicheskoy physical preparation and improvement of the personal sporting results. This strategy will be realized in directions of expansion of variety of groups of elektivnoy of sporting orientation, sport of higher achievements and wide sporting informing (newspapers, television).
Presently every student of separations of body-conditioning and sporting perfection of department, and it is 95% students of daily form of teaching of KNUUE, are the participants of Sports and athletics meeting of O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv between educational groups and faculties on a few types of sport: l/athletics and cross-country race, power gymnastics, armsport, futzal, volley-ball, basket-ball, chess and checkers, table tennis and competitions on test norms.
A department is conduct the sporting teaching of students of all faculties in elektivnykh groups: chess, aerobics, power gymnastics and sporting single combats. These elements of organizational, pedagogical, educate and methodical work are instrumental in forming of the proof personal interest of student young people to regular sporting-athletic employments, strengthening of sporting motivation and growth of sporting effectiveness.
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For the past years the update of forms happened in O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, methods and facilities of sporting-athletic motion, influencing on the processes of sporting life and education of students. The unolympic types of sport are registered: armsport, Taekvon-to, kikboksing, karate, futzal, lyzhorollery, sporting orientation, tourism and many other A department saves traditions of the sporting past state and O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in KharkivE, goes along under effective ideology which is formed and conducted guidance of O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv: «We must all to outperform. We are all rowers of one boat in the stormy flow of the river of knowledges. As soon as we stop all is synchronous to work, will take us back».
This thesis is organizational and rich in content part of conception of quality of work of sporting clubs and KFViS, explains innovative changes and increase of efficiency of uchebno-vospitatel'nogo and sportivno-trenirovochnogo process, which are provided the professionally geared-up scientific-pedagogical collective of department.
Conception of qualities of work is achievement of high-quality advantage less forces on an amount, but large on noosfernomu quality for a breach in an elucidative-educate and organizational-sporting work.
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Sporting life of KNUUE is managed by a rector, trade-union organizations, KFViS and sporting clubs of Academy. The system of sporting life of KNUUE (SSZHA) is examined rektoratom as one of main types of uchebno-vospitatel'noy, rekreacionnoy, vneuchebnoy and independent work of students and employees of KNUUE. A structure and constituents of SSZHA is constantly perfected, have the raznoplanovye external connections, including international: organizational; scientific-methodical; skilled; medical; material and technical and financial, reproduce the structure of administrative and public organizations of KNUUE. Structural komponenty of SSZHA have forms of separations of department of «Physical education and sport» and sporting clubs, sporting bases of KNUUE; sporting educational process.
Sporting clubs of KNUUE:
- а student sporting club of KNUUE. A chairman of club is a m/s of international class of Ukraine Dmitry Beskorovaynyy, an item is teacher of department FViS; 
- a sporting club of employees of KNUUE«Health».
- a student chess-sword club «Kaisa». A chairman of club is a m/s of Ukraine Dmitry Smolyakov, teacher of department FViS;
- a mezhvuzovskiy club of cyclic types of sport is «Turn». A chairman of club is the km/s USSR Michael Kiselev, associate professor of department to ACE ET; 
- a tourist club «Arnica». A chairman of club is a m/s of the USSR on mountain tourism George Oksyuk, associate professor of department of physics; 
- a club and center of power single combats «pan-kraft». A president of club is an academician, d.t.n., prof., Leonid Shutenko. The honoured President of club is the Deserved trainer of Ukraine, President of federation of armsporta Ukraine Vladimir Petrenko. A chairman of club is a m/s of the USSR, Deserved trainer of Ukraine Valery Klochko, zav. departments of FViS.
Development of SSZHA follows and supported functionally within the framework of the having a special purpose complex program of KNUUE the «Physical culture and sport of KHDAGKH 2020», the constituents of which are the programs of activity of its structures. Realization of the having a special purpose complex program of KNUUE the «Physical culture and sport of KHDAGKH 2020» is based on: Law of Ukraine «On a physical culture and sport»; state, regional and city having a special purpose programs «Physical education is a health of nation»;
Motto of the program of Academy the «Physical culture and sport of KHDAGKH 2020» is «Our champion – health!».
Evolution of sports work. Collective efforts of administration, public organizations, dean's offices, chairs and athletes students and NPR KFVIS was possible to sports clubs since 2000 to the present to put in a treasury of achievements in sport of Academy of 339 medals of the European championships, the world and the international competitions of world level, from them 150 gold, 92 silver and 97 bronze. The silver Cup of the European championship and a bronze Cup of the World Cup of 2003 on lyzheroller, the Cup of the international competitions of memory of Guzinin D. M. on армспорту, four Cups of Champions of Ukraine of the highest student's league on female volleyball of 2001-2004 is won on lifelong storage in KNUUE a command Cup of VІ of superiority of the World of 2003 on армспорту (juniors). ten Cups of winners of a student's Sports contest and the Sports contest "Health" of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the Kharkov area 2000-2011, Cup of a complex Sports contest «Sports throughout life» in 2003, four cups of regional competition review on the best condition of physical training and sports in the nomination «Higher educational institutions ІІІ-І the V level of accreditation». The statistics of achievements of athletes at KNUUE on the Ukrainian and international scene is given in the table.
comsport 420x304Since 2000 214 KNUUE students have became winners and prize-winners of world, European, international, Ukrainian level. By results of competitions of world, European and international levels (gold, silver and bronze medals) students extracted in fight of 214 medals and NPR KFVIS - 125 medals, and together received 339 medals. The best in Ukraine since 2000 (gold, silver and bronze medals) were students KNUUE - 289 medals and NPR KFVIS KNUUE - 96 medals; together received 385 medals. In honor of champions of athletes-representatives at competitions of the international level hoisted the colors Ukraine, and the anthem of Ukraine of 150 times, and at competitions of national level – 221 times sounded. KNUUE athletes won achievements of regional and city levels (1-3 places) more than 565 times.



O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,
17, Chornoglazivska Street,
Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

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+38 057 707 33 55

Fax: +38 057 706 15 54






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